TWN Info Service on WTO and Trade Issues (Sept13/06)
28 September 2013
Third World Network
D-G reports on first round of talks on Bali issues
Published in SUNS #7660 dated 24 September 2013
Geneva, 23 Sep (Kanaga Raja) -- An informal meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) on Monday heard a report by its chair, Director-General Roberto Azevedo, on a series of meetings held over the last two weeks on the three potential deliverables of trade facilitation, agriculture and development/LDC issues for the upcoming Bali ministerial conference this December.
A first round of intensive negotiations was held during this period in the Room E/Room D format (usually involving some 30-plus delegations including regional groupings), with two seats at the table for each delegation: an ambassador and one senior official from capital, or in his/her absence, a capital-based expert. A meeting of senior officials was also held on 19 September (see SUNS #7659 dated 23 September 2013).
Following the TNC meeting, the Director-General also held a press conference (see below).
In his statement at the roughly one-hour TNC session, Mr Azevedo not only reported on the meetings that were held over the past two weeks, but also provided an overview of the state of play on the three potential deliverables for Bali, as well as the process going forward.
In his statement, he noted that every member is aware that the most significant challenge facing them is the mere 10 weeks or so that they have left to prepare the basis for success at the Bali Ministerial. "It is important therefore that most of our time and efforts are directed towards our substantive work to find convergence."
On the Room E/D process, the Director-General recalled that he started a process of intensive consultations at the "Ambassador plus one" level on the three potential deliverables for Bali: Trade Facilitation, Agriculture and Development.
This is a joint effort that has been undertaken with the Chairs of the Agriculture Special Session; Committee on Trade and Development (CTD) Special Session; Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation; the Facilitator for LDC issues and Friends of the Chair on the Trade Facilitation negotiations, he said.
The TNC Chair said that members had a first run of all three topics in 10 sessions. Specifically, in agriculture they covered: (i) the G-33 proposal on public stockholding for food security and domestic food aid purposes; (ii) Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) administration; and (iii) export competition.
On trade facilitation, sections I (on commitments) and II (on Special and Differential Treatment provisions for developing country and LDC members) of the Rev. 17 text were covered, while on development, the Monitoring Mechanism, the Cancun 28 proposals and LDC issues were covered.
The Chair reported that the discussions have been "focused, precise and business-like," and that Members were actually negotiating and interacting in a constructive manner.
"Delegations are in a solution finding mode and I am encouraged by the new tenor to the discussion. If we keep this mood and attitude in the upcoming weeks, I believe Bali will be within reach. This is a great and inspiring start but more, of course, will be required."
Mr Azevedo stressed that inclusiveness has been a tenet of the process with the participation of close to 50 delegations. All major regional and group coordinators and Members most affected by the different issues are represented. And anyone with a strong interest in the discussion has not been precluded from participation.
"These large format meetings have been criticised frequently for being supposedly unmanageable. We are proving that perception wrong. Discussions have been focused and objective. Delegations are taking the floor only when they must and keeping their interventions short. We are avoiding repetitive or rhetorical statements. We are having productive meetings and covering a lot of ground with the short time available to us."
On the senior officials' meeting on 19 September, the TNC Chair said that the good news is that there was a positive indication by Members to get things done and find landing zones.
"We saw Members starting to move in that direction, although not as much and not as far, as we must. The clear message I delivered to senior officials was that their continued political leadership and direction was crucial. Capitals must be engaged," he said, adding that many of the issues still pending are political.
"There is a limit to what the Permanent Representatives in Geneva can do. The Senior Officials in capitals must help us unlock the key negotiating areas without further delays."
On the substance of the three issues, the TNC Chair reported that on trade facilitation, all parts of the mandate were covered: (a) new disciplines (Section I); (b) flexibilities for developing countries and LDCs, and implementation plans (Section II); and (c) customs co-operation, "which is technically in Section I, but it seems to me to be a very specific pillar in the trade facilitation negotiations".
While members have been getting results, such as last week on Articles 1, 7 and 10, and while there are good prospects for further progress in the coming days, there are a number of topics where positions are not yet converging.
These relate, in particular, to the areas of: (i) customs co-operation, where discussion is still less mature; (ii) flexibilities for developing & Least-developed countries and implementation plans; and (iii) a number of difficult issues in Section I including - and this is an illustrative list: customs brokers; pre-shipment inspection; consularisation; and certain transit issues.
To break up the blockages in those areas, several things have to happen, said Mr Azevedo, adding: "We need the proponents to come up with really improved proposals, manageable proposals, and opponents to equally move towards the middle ground. Some issues also need to be addressed in bilateral or smaller group settings to help the efforts in the larger format, which will remain as our primary negotiating approach."
On agriculture, the TNC Chair reported that intensive consultations have continued on the G-33 proposal, and that consultations have also taken place on the G-20 proposals on export competition and on TRQ administration.
On the G-33 proposal, Mr Azevedo said that the important development has been the agreement by Members to explore a due restraint provision as a possible interim solution, and that is very important in itself.
According to the TNC Chair, different elements of the solution were identified and discussed:
(a) firstly, the nature of such an instrument i. e. whether it is to be political or legally binding;
(b) secondly, its character i. e. is it to be automatic, non-automatic or some kind of hybrid. "There was some brief discussion and I think some convergence is shaping up on this particular issue";
(c) thirdly, its coverage;
(d) fourthly, transparency and reporting issues. "I think we already had a very good conversation on this particular element and I do not think that any Member disagrees that these issues are going to be critical if we are going to find an interim solution";
(e) fifthly, the safeguards that might be appropriate to minimize distorting effects. "We all agreed that this is also going to be an important element of the discussions, but we have not yet had a deep conversation on this";
(f) sixthly, its duration and how it would be reviewed. But, as in the case of safeguards, the conversations have not gone deep enough yet; and
(g) finally, we also need to have some work focusing on the post-Bali longer term solution.
According to the TNC Chair, all these elements are interlinked. "We have been discussing them and there is no clear convergence so far on any of them. Common ground on some concepts is beginning to emerge, but very intense work is needed in the coming weeks."
Some members made clear that they want to seek, not only an interim solution, but also a more permanent solution to the concerns that led to the G-33 proposal. Other members are mindful of the potential market-distorting consequences of any solutions sought, whatever their nature and duration.
As far as the interim solution is concerned, the TNC Chair said that it is his view that the discussions on transparency and safeguards will probably frame the outcome in the other elements of the potential due restraint solution. There is no time to waste in moving to a solution in these critical areas.
Regarding other aspects of the issue, he noted that there seems to be convergence around declaration/communique language for Bali recognizing that public stockholding and food aid programmes in developing countries are important and legitimate policies and that the G-33 concerns need be addressed in a focused post-Bali negotiating effort.
On export competition, Mr Azevedo reported that the discussions that took place in recent days confirmed the sensitivity and seriousness of this issue. All Members agree that the parallel elimination of all forms of export subsidies for agricultural products and disciplines on all export measures with equivalent effect, is a key objective, and for some Members one of the priorities, if not the priority, of the Doha Round.
"This helps explain why I detected that everyone is increasingly prepared to accept the concept of some kind of outcome on this issue in Bali. Of course there are differing views on what that appropriate outcome might be, as Members have expressed clearly divergent views."
He added: "What has been encouraging has been that all the participants expressed in our recent discussions a clear willingness to search for a landing zone. Not prejudging what that landing zone would be, we heard some useful suggestions emerging from the debate including, for example, elements like: (i) the reaffirmation of the final objective to be achieved on export competition; (ii) the recognition of the fact that the use of export subsidies significantly has decreased in recent years; (iii) some type of engagement to maintain this positive trend; or (iv) the need to improve transparency as regards the use of some export measures with equivalent effect to export subsidies."
On TRQ administration, the TNC Chair reported that many Members continue to see this proposal as one that can realistically be part of a balanced outcome in Bali. However, the S&D aspects of the proposal continue to prevent the membership from taking this issue forward for agreement.
"I want to repeat what I said to Senior Officials and in the Room E process - namely that if this issue cannot be resolved then we really have little hope for Bali. This is a simple and straightforward proposal that most members tend to find well calibrated and achievable. I would hope that this could be done quickly so we can concentrate on the more complex agriculture issues," said Mr Azevedo.
On Development and LDC issues, he said that on the Monitoring Mechanism, members have started to close some of the gaps. Members are much more clear about what the Mechanism is, what it should do, and how.
There appears to be agreement on three characteristics of the Monitoring Mechanism, which do not exist in practice today: First, it should conduct regular reviews of existing S&D provisions. Second, it should have the ability to make recommendations to the appropriate technical body if a shortcoming is detected in the Monitoring Mechanism's evidence-based deliberations. And third, that the recommendation could include the launching of negotiations on S&D provisions in the appropriate WTO body.
"However, more work still needs to be done to find an appropriate landing zone on a number of issues, in particular with regard to the relationship and interface between the Monitoring Mechanism and the relevant WTO technical body under whose remit an S&D provision falls."
On the Cancun 28 proposals, the TNC Chair said that during the Room E consultations, Ambassadors were asked the specific question whether they could agree to adopt some of these proposals on which agreement was possible, in the event that Members were not in a position to adopt all 28 in Bali.
At this meeting, the African Group and the LDCs reiterated their position that they could only agree to the adoption of all the 28 Cancun proposals as a package, and in case this was not possible, it would be better that these proposals are taken up in the post-Bali work programme, within the overall framework of the mandate of paragraph 44 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration.
The TNC Chair further reported that a round of discussions was held on the LDC Bali package. A promising development last week was the revised submission from the LDCs on preferential rules of origin. It is very encouraging to note that most considered the revised submission as a step in the right direction.
In two areas, namely cotton and the services waiver, members are awaiting detailed proposals from the LDCs.
Concerning DFQF (duty-free quota-free) market access, "we need to find a solution that can be acceptable to all stakeholders involved. Some realistic compromises are required here from all sides. But our collective responsibility is clear - we have to ensure a meaningful package for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our family."
On the next steps, Director-General Azevedo underlined: "I believe that we must aim to conclude the main part of our negotiations in Geneva by the end of October. By then, we should be able to see the landing zones for Bali."
He said that on 24 September, members will resume the intensive Ambassadors+1 consultations in the Room E/D process through to 27 September, covering all three Bali deliverables.
"This phase will be slightly different from the past two weeks. The focus will be to make advances where we can, on the critical issues requiring more concentrated attention. We have scheduled two half-day sessions for agriculture and development issues, and two full days for trade facilitation. We will conclude this second phase of consultations with a TNC on 30 September at 3pm."
He said that work will need to continue after this second cycle of consultations and he will ask that Chairs continue meeting to look for convergence.
"From the week of 14 October onwards, we will be in final countdown mode to the end of the month. A frank assessment of the progress that has been made will be required - as well as setting the course for the final stretch of our path towards Bali."
"So, to sum up, the Bali Ministerial meeting is in about 10 weeks - yes, only 10 weeks. The good news is that I am a lot more optimistic about where we are now than two weeks ago. But that is just the start, an inspiring start, but there is a long way to go and the distance between positions in some of the issues is still very large. We have to expedite our negotiations and work more intensely. The absolute need for close and more political effort cannot be understated," said the TNC Chair.
According to trade officials, only three delegations spoke following the TNC Chair's statement, these being Bolivia, Venezuela, and Barbados (on behalf of the Small Vulnerable Economies). They supported the Director-General's view on the importance of making progress in the negotiations, trade officials added.
At a media briefing following the TNC meeting, Director-General Azevedo explained that the ‘Room E' (process) is a traditional format in the WTO, adding that there had been Room E and also Room D meetings, both depending on the number of delegations that came for the meetings. What is important is that those meetings are at Ambassador-level -- Ambassador plus one.
The delegations that have been invited are the ones that the Chairs (of the respective negotiating groups) believe have been more involved or are more sensitive to the issues that are under discussion, and the number of delegations varies depending on the issue. It goes somewhere from 30 to almost 50 delegations, he added.
Pointing out that usually in the larger formats, meetings tend to take a very long (time) because all delegations take the floor and make long statements etc, he said "we have changed that, and that is part of the atmosphere that we have in Geneva now."
He said that the meetings are more focused and that the interventions (by delegations) are very pointed, adding that he has tried to enforce a 60-second rule, for speakers who take the floor to say whatever they have to say in 60 seconds or less.
He noted that almost every single intervention is observing that limit, "and we have been able to make a lot of progress in a very expeditious fashion because the meetings are very business-like, very focused, very solution-oriented, so that's the kind of meeting that we are having."
He felt that it was ‘shock-treatment' to get people to realise that this is crunch time and that "we are actually with just a few weeks to finish and that we need engagement at the highest level with difficult political calls that have to be made now...", adding that he is also starting meetings on time.
Asked about the issue of customs cooperation under the trade facilitation pillar, Mr Azevedo said that there are difficulties in that discussion because members have different laws and regulations internally which regulate how the information that they process is treated, particularly in terms of confidentiality.
Given the diversity of laws and regulations in the different members, it is difficult to find a common multilateral binding approach which tells customs how to interact with other customs officials in other countries, he said, adding that that is very challenging and "we're trying to find a solution for that in a way which is meaningful, in a way which allows members to have predictability on what they can do in terms of customs cooperation."
This is still not very mature, and there is a lot of work to be done there, he added.
In response to another question, he said that the message he is trying to send is that by the end of October, "we need to have negotiations advanced enough in all areas so that we are in a position to say ‘this is doable, we have figured out the landing zones, and now what is left is just touch-ups', where you have to finalize some technical work and maybe a difficulty with one member or two who are still reluctant to fall in line with a particular outcome or something like that and see whether we can find the right balance for those members as well."
But that should be a residual part of the negotiating process, (and) it cannot be the bulk of the negotiating process, he said, adding that "today, that is what we have. Today, what we have is the bulk is unresolved and we have a residual part of agreed elements. We want to change that in the next few weeks until the end of October. By the end of October, we should have the opposite - we should have the bulk of the negotiations concluded and just the residual part to be done."
"... And I think that it's doable and if we keep going like we did over the last two weeks, if we can improve and accelerate a little bit more our work, I think we can do it," he said.
[The remark that the ‘bulk' of the negotiations be concluded in Geneva by end October, with ‘just the residual part to be done' seemed to imply that this might involve some negotiations at the three-day Ministerial meet in Bali. - SUNS]
In response to another question, Mr Azevedo said that whatever is agreed, it is agreed by all members, and that he can't impose a solution for them. "So if it is an agreement which is reached by all members, it is by definition balanced because no member would accept an unbalanced result."
"So it will not be their dream scenario. I don't think we're going to get the dream agreement for anyone. Everybody will have to make compromises and everybody will have to, from their own each perspective, do more than they expect and get less than they expect. That's the nature of negotiations," he added.
On the post-Bali work, he said that from the beginning, "everybody knew - there was no question about this - that we were not going to achieve the perfect outcomes, fully complete outcomes on every issue by Bali. It's just impossible. Everybody knew that. So, what we intend to do is do as much as we can by Bali, but I am sure there will be some leftovers from each area of the negotiation which will have to be figured out after Bali."
He added that Bali is not the end of the road, but a point on the road to more achievements, negotiations and outcomes.
So, Bali is a checkpoint "where we're going to deliver as much as we can multilaterally and we continue our work after Bali. If we deliver these multilateral results in Bali, that will be the first time in the history of the WTO that we deliver results multilaterally, which is frankly a very welcome development."
"And the fact that these outcomes are not perfectly complete shouldn't distress us. On the contrary, they should be an encouragement to continue working and trying to complete these understandings" in a more profound and detailed fashion subsequently, said the Director-General. +